
【App Introduction and Reviews】
This site provides information on various apps and conducts reviews of them. Our reviews are based on our own evaluation criteria, aiming to provide fair and objective information. However, please note that the content of the reviews may include subjective opinions, and it is important for users to make their own judgments. Additionally, we guide users to official download links for the apps, which are directly connected to the official sites of each app.

1. Operator Information and Limitation of Liability
InfoPics (infopics.online) is an independent platform that provides app reviews and is not affiliated with the developers. This site is not involved in the distribution of apps and has no vested interests with the developers.

2. Trademarks and Copyright
Trademarks, registered trademarks, app names, app provider company names, logos, etc., displayed on this site are the property of their respective owners. The copyright of the download links belongs to the legal owners of the software unless otherwise specified. Please be sure to review the software's end-user license agreement before use.

3. Third-Party Apps
The apps introduced on this site are developed by third parties. This site does not take responsibility for the content, functionality, or legality of these apps.

4. Information Provision
We strive to provide the latest information on this site, but we do not guarantee its completeness, accuracy, or timeliness.

5. Third-Party Links
This site may contain links to third-party websites, but we are not responsible for the content of these linked sites.

6. Disclaimer of Damages
The site operator is not responsible for any damages that may arise from the use of information on this site.

7. Intellectual Property Rights
The copyright of the content (text, design, etc.) provided on this site belongs to this site. Unauthorized reproduction, sale, translation, etc., are strictly prohibited.

8. App Introduction
This site introduces apps and provides official download links to the Google Play Store and Apple Store.

9. Changes to Disclaimer
This site reserves the right to change the disclaimer without prior notice.

10. Compliance with Copyright Laws
This site complies with Japanese copyright laws and related regulations, striving to provide legal content. If you believe that the content on this site infringes copyright, please notify us at [contact address]. We will promptly address the problematic content in accordance with appropriate legal procedures.

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This site operates in compliance with all applicable terms and policies, including Google Ads Advertising Policies and Google's Unwanted Software Policy. The information provided on this site aims to be safe and reliable for users.

12. About Logos
The Google Play logo is provided by Remixicon.

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